Eyebrow implant

The eyebrow implant consists of a very simple procedure from a medical point of view since it is performed under local anesthesia and requires approximately one hour in our clinic.


After the procedure there is a minimum of discomfort. Your new eyebrows require practically the same maintenance as a natural eyebrow, to which tint, chemical smoothing and/or trimming can be applied as the patient deems necessary and the best thing is that it lasts a lifetime.


The secret of an excellent result lies in the aesthetic part, in our attention to detail of your current eyebrow, your features and your facial proportion.

Paciente L.M. 32 años | Dr. Hector Sandoval

Result of a single session, without make-up and in close-up so that you can check the quality of our work in CAPILAND.


Paciente L.M. 32 años | Dr. Hector Sandoval